Clement impressions positive, now for Prague

Rangers produced what was easily their best performance of the season on Saturday.

A four nil thumping of a resurgent Hibs side that had been unbeaten in their previous five games gave Philippe Clement as near to a perfect start as he could wish for.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty that could have been better on a day when Rangers had twenty-three shots at goal. As Philippe Clement said, he knows what he can improve in this team already.

During Fridays press conference, Clement was honest and frank in regard to the task he has at hand. 

The big Belgian suggested he had a huge job on his hands. He hinted that perhaps Saturdays game would have some tough moments. He mentioned that he’d had only had two days to work with the full squad due to so many being away on international duty. There was a realism about the job he was taking on here.

Basically, he’s been calling for Rangers fans to be realistic, which is fair enough. I think most Rangers fans understand where the club is in the grand scheme of things at this point in time.

It may be due to the turgid performances Rangers fans have endured so far this season, effectively there’s been a low bar in respect to their teams’ results and a serious lack of entertainment, much of the support probably went to Ibrox in hope rather than with many expectations.

What the Ibrox crowd got was some very tidy, direct football, with intent, drive, and a commitment to attack constantly. It was a surprise to see a genuine resolve to carry the game to Hibs. From the first whistle to last, the determination to score goals was there for all to see.

Four nil flattered the Edinburgh side a bit, in my opinion. They couldn’t have complained if Rangers had rattled six or more past the clearly  ageing David Marshal in the Hibs goal.

Goals from Sima, Raskin, Sima again, then Dessers, capped a very fine team performance off, on Clements’ first game in charge.

What Rangers produced during the ninety minutes is exactly what fans wanted to see. Very little respect given to the opposition while constantly probing and trying to get shots away.

I think I’m in love with the big, baldy Belgian already! Being as bald as a coot myself, well, I’ve got an affinity with the guy…

That was a very encouraging start to the Clement era. Seeing him constantly coaxing, shouting, and clearly lifting the players during the match from the technical area was heartening to see. You can tell he’s a winner, that’s for sure. 

It was also intriguing to note that he spoke at length to the players being replaced when substitutions were happening. He looks like he can communicate what he wants from his players.

From what looked like a confused group of players under the previous regime, this team looked to have an understanding of what was being asked of them.

On communication, his dealings with the media have been classy and imposing. He’s an authorative figure who seems very adept at dealing with journalists’ intent on getting a headline.

He’s been doing that in an amiable way, though. Being able to be rather flippant in a jovial way is a very good trait to have when you’re the Rangers manager. 

He mentioned the synergy between the team and the crowd in his press conference after the game. He said that’s what made him happiest on the day. Saturday was always going to be day when unity would be shown, but the manner in which the team started made that very easy. 

A quick point for our new manager, you lead, get results, and improve performances, then the Rangers fans will get right behind you and the team. That’s a given, and always will be.

Give us something to shout about, and we will. Ibrox is one of the greatest places to play your football, but as we’ve all seen recently, it can also be the toughest when things aren’t going well. 

As long as we see progress, commitment, and a determination to win every game, then Ibrox will be a cauldron for any and every team that visits. 

Michael Beale has gone, and the overly complicated style the previous manager was trying to produce has been replaced with what appears to be a much more simple style of play.

As an example, I’d point to the fact that ten of those eleven players on the team sheet on Saturday were in the line-up for the humiliating defeat in Cyprus. Yes, I know, Beale had already left the building by then, but to get from that omnishambles to such a buoyant display on Saturday? That was pleasing.

Well, maybe Philippe Clement is a wizard. Maybe he does have what he claimed he didn’t, a magic wand.

In seriousness, it’s early days. There’s a million miles still to go to turn this squad of players into the polished, dynamic side we all want to see, but the initial signs are very heartening indeed. New 4lads podcast, you give us 10 mins we give you Rangers. Free to subscribe!

From the moment Clement arrived last Monday to Saturdays result and showing, I have liked his demeanour. The way he’s gone about his business has been impressive.

He’s dealt with his first game exceptionally well. He’s negotiated the media and press conferences impeccably and immediately set about reorganising this Rangers team.

He’s been amiable with the media while giving very little away. He doesn’t suffer silly questions either, which is pretty funny to watch.

On Tuesday at his unveiling, he was asked two very similar questions. Whoever asked the second got short shrift. Clements’ eyes narrowed, a piercing look at the journalist, then he said, “I’ve already told you.” That shows me he’s a listener, he’s sharp, and he’s in charge. 

There’s an air of authority, an aura around the new Rangers manager that most of us are clearly going to like. He’s only been in position a few short days, but he appears to be a leader of men. 

You get the feeling he knows what he wants, and he knows exactly how to get it. He’s stated that every player is going to be needed. Everybody in that squad will get their chance to impress him.

That tells me he’s fair and he’s arrived with no preconceptions regarding this squad, and that’s despite him having watched every game Rangers have played this season.

All in all, it’s been a very positive week for Rangers. Philippe Clement got off to a winning start while managing to impress the fanbase with the ease with which he’s walked into the madness and nonchalantly got on with the job in hand.

After the game on Saturday, Clement said one hugely significant thing. At the press conference, our very own 4 lads gaffer, Stevie Clifford, suggested to the manager that the performance had been the best of the season while mentioning the tempo being good… “Were you happy?” was his response to that! Absolutely not in the mood, for receiving accolades or showering praise around.

This man has turned up in Glasgow with a job to do. Having won the Belgian League three times, then being in charge at Monaco, he is clearly a man of intent.

I have no doubt he’s looked at this Rangers squad, the opposition within the SPFL, and our main rivals. I very much doubt he’d even consider taking on this role unless he had total confidence and belief that he could turn this team into contenders initially, then ultimately champions. 

This is an incredibly tough job he’s taken on. His reputation is high. Coming to Scotland and failing does not seem like an option for him. I just don’t see him coming to this league without being given the assurances he needs to take Rangers back to where they need to be.

Philippe Clement has quietly impressed in his first week in the job, he’s cut an imposing figure who seems driven by winning. If he can get a tune out of this squad of players, then he might well be a sorcerer, despite his claims to the contrary.

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One thought on “Clement impressions positive, now for Prague

  1. Good article Kenny, I am also bald as a coot but do it through choice 2 annoy baldy guys that are desperate for hair, now onto our manager great start to his Rangers career but like the fact he is not going overboard seems to me he is one game at a time type of guy the way it should be, see if we can get all our players fit then I can see us catching them & making a title race out of this season yet, hopefully matondo & Lawrence aren’t to far away from full fitness then it gives the manager plenty options to choose from, one thing that really annoys me from our previous managers regime is the omission of Ridvan from our European squad think the wee man is going to be far more suited to our teams style of play going forward. I think he will play Davies left back against Prague so let’s hope he can do a job for us tonight
    C’mon the Rangers


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